San Diego, California - Retail 3,000 s.f. Residential 13 Units Mixed-Use

Employing a contemporary Modern Architectural style with clay-tile and plaster, steel solar control screens and solar green glass, MONDE introduces a clean, sophisticated vision as one enters the diverse community of Hillcrest in San Diego. This diverse quality is represented in the buildings multi-use program, occupancies and the buildings form, layering and materials.
Above street level the residents enter an elevated courtyard. This semi-private space with landscaping acts as the resident’s front porch with a sense of security and peace from the active street. The residential units consist of 2-story townhomes to maximize views with contemporary open interiors and generous natural light and ventilation. Vertical and horizontal sun control elements reduce direct sunlight, add privacy while introducing a sculptural building element.
The environmentally responsive approach of the building form, materials and equipment selection provides a sustainable product sure to encourage continued conservation in this diverse community.