Golden Hill Row Homes
Golden Hill, San Diego, California - 20 Residential Detached Row homes (Cloud Condos)
Gold Nugget Award of Merit “Best On-The-Boards Multi-Family” Pacific Coast Builders Conference

Golden Hill Row Homes is a 20 unit, multi-family residential project designed for families and urban professionals who desire a home in close proximity to downtown San Diego. Designed to be “for sale”, each unit has a two car garage with two or three levels of living space that include private terraces and a common landscaped motor court.
The architecture is contemporary in style with elements reminiscent of local craftsman design. Stone bases and site walls blur the transition from landscape to structure and the blend of exterior plaster and wood siding grace the facades. The outdoor spaces are laced with trellises that include horizontal sun shade “eyebrows” to control the solar orientation.
Golden Hill Row Homes will utilize sustainable building strategies to reduce the impact imposed on the site and the environment. Photo-voltaic roof panels will be utilized to harness solar energy and to offset the energy demands for the occupants.