4040 Park Micro Apartments
University Heights, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA - Project Size: 76,892 s.f.
33 Res. Units 600 s.f. – 800 s.f, totaling 29,638 and 49 Visitor Accomidation Rooms totaling 29,638 s.f.

4040 PARK is a mixed-use, micro apartment and visitor accommodation, eight-story building constructed of exposed poured in place concrete, located on Park Blvd. in University Heights and walking distance to Hillcrest and North Park in San Diego, California. The concept design for the project was to create needed affordable housing within a vibrant walkable community. Through the use of quality and creative architecture and planning, the goal is to promote a since of neighborhood and place.
The project scope consists of mixed-use residential and visitor accommodation units in a commercial zone. The property is in the Parking Standards Transit Priority Zone, Affordable Housing Parking Demand Area, Transit Zone and Transit Priority Area which allowed for the following:
33 micro apartment residential units with an average size of 600 s.f. with no unit greater than 800 s.f. for a total of 18,900 s.f.
49 Visitor Accommodation Rooms totaling 29,638 s.f.
Parking consists of 26 spaces on site located in a Mechanical Automobile Lift with access to a specific car on demand plus 2 handicapped accessible spaces for a total of 28 parking spaces.
The site area totals 9,844 s.f. located in the Uptown Community Plan in the CC-3-8 zone.
·The project is being processed through the Affordable Housing Density Bonus Regulations for micro apartments using 100% density bonus per 143.0720(l)(9)